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The BEST Announcements listings near Polson and Lake County Montana area

The BEST Announcements listings near Polson and Lake County Montana area


AA Meetings in Superior 7 pm on Tuesday and Fridays, at the Methodist church. 406-830-4648
COIN & STAMP SHOW Inland Empire Coin Show Kootenai Count Fairgrounds Bldg. 1 4056 N. Government Way, CDA March 8th & 9th Sat 10-5 & Sun 10-3 Buy - Sell - Trade Free Appraisals - Admission $3 Over 35 Regional Dealers 509-595-0435 Sponsored by: CDA Coin Club
Connect to the Best Wireless home internet with EarthLink. Enjoy speeds from 5G and 4G LTE networks, no contracts, easy installation, and data plans up to 300 GB. Call 855-419-7978
Get DISH Satellite TV + Internet! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 855-995-3572
Get your deduction ahead of the year-end! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous year-end tax credit. Call Heritage for the Blind Today! 855-901-2620
Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855-762-1508
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TOWN OF EUREKA, MONTANA The Town of Eureka, Montana is soliciting proposals for engineering services. The Town seeks proposals from qualified professional engineers (PE) licensed in the State of Montana to provide professional engineering services to replace the Town’s waste water mains between the plant and lagoons—Wastewater Remove and Replacement of Transmission lines 2025. Project services to be provided include but are not limited to: Research and project-specific study--Amendment of Wastewater PER (2007); Project management; Bid let preparation; On site inspection; Grant writing and project funding administration assistance (preferred); and Interface with regulatory agencies, project design approval and permitting. Responses should include: The firm’s legal name, address, and telephone number; The principal(s) of the firm and their experience and qualifications; The experience and qualifications of the staff to be assigned to services; A description of the firm’s prior experience, including any similar projects and general services (in particular those funded by TSEP, USDA, U.S. Corp. Eng., and regulated by MDEQ and EPA), size of community, location, total construction cost, and name of a local official knowledgeable regarding the firm’s performance, if any; A description of the firm’s current work activities and how these would be coordinated with the Town’s services, as well as the firm’s anticipated availability; The proposed work plan and schedule for activities to be performed; Five professional references; and, 5 copies the response with is limited to 25 pages. Respondents will be evaluated according to the following criteria: Qualifications of the professional personnel to be assigned to the project: 30% the consultant’s capability to meet time and project budget requirements: 10% Availability on-site at Eureka: 15% present and projected workloads: 5% related experience on similar projects:15% recent or current work for the Town of Eureka: 5% familiarity with Eureka and the Town’s ongoing projects: 20% Any proposed fee will not be used as evaluation criteria and will only be considered when the Town negotiates with the most qualified consultant. The selection of finalists to be interviewed will be based on an evaluation of the written responses. Subject to negotiation, the award will be made to the most qualified submitter or whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to the Town considering all relevant factors. Unsuccessful submitters will be notified as soon as possible. Questions and responses should be directed to Mayor LeeAnn Schermerhorn, Town of Eureka, 11 Dewey Ave., P.O. Box 313, Eureka, MT 59917. All responses must be postmarked no later than 4:00 pm, February 21st 2025. Please state Town of Eureka Engineering RFP on the outside of the response package. This solicitation is being offered in accordance with state statutes governing procurement of professional services. Accordingly, the Town of Eureka reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed, as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate. The Town of Eureka is an equal opportunity employer.
Safe Step North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 855-601-2865
Switch and save up to $250 per year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time offer - get $50 off on any new account. Use code GIFT50. For more information, call 877-324-0193
The Lodge Marina is currently accepting applications for the public lottery for marina slips for the 2025 season. Sign-up sheet located at City Hall. Entries must be received by March 1st, 2025.
The Lodge at Whitefish Lake 406-863-4000


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